Tractor & Farm Equipment Sales

TAC Enterprises based in Moulton, Al has specialized in importing/exporting tractors, collectible automobiles and motorcycles for almost 30 years. As the markets have changed we have attempted to revise our business practices. WE HAVE DISCONTINUED OUR QUARTERLY AUCTIONS AS OF OCT. 9TH 2021. We now have weekly auctions through AuctionTime. You can visit our new web site at www.tacenterprises.net to view our weekly sales. These will consist of mostly rolling stock. We are still open Monday thru Friday for onsite viewing and daily sales/trades. As always Ken is actively buying/selling and trading. We are truly operating in a worldwide capacity. We at TAC would like to say thank you to our loyal customer base, some of which have been with us since our inception in 1991.

Auctions: Retired from quarterly auctions 10/9/2021
Weekly auctions through www.AuctionTime.com/tacenterprises
Still buying and selling on a daily basis, no appointment needed.
Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Ken Nelson, AL 1326, MS 1540
Check out our auction listing at one of the links below!